There is enormous, acknowledged and untapped potential in the Indian stock markets. 印度的股票市场蕴含着巨大的、公认的、尚未挖掘出来的潜力。
Wise investors go to great lengths to limit their potential losses when it comes to stock portfolios, and you should employ a similar strategy when setting up a new business. 在股票投资组合当中,明智的投资者都会竭尽全力地去减少潜在的损失,而你在建立一家新公司的时候也应该采取类似的策略。
Potential investors have been eagerly awaiting the stock debut of Alibaba for months. 数月来,潜在的投资者急切地等待阿里巴巴上市。
The investors are actual or potential purchasers of capital stock of corporations. 投资者是现实的和潜在的公司股份的购买者。
As a result, the number of companies followed will vary as their research identifies potential candidates for stock selection within their respective sectors. 因而,被研究的公司数目会随着分析师在其相应的领域内研究的对潜在候选公司的股票选择的多少而不同。
Markets are watching the potential divergence between Usd and stock markets. 市场正在关注美元和股票市场之间潜在的相异走向。
It is trying to juggle the need for liquidity management, exchange rate reform and financial market stability, to safeguard banking stability and, increasingly, [ to safeguard against] the potential risk posed by rising stock market prices. 它试图同时满足流动性管理、汇率改革和金融市场稳定的需要,以维护银行体系的稳定,同时,越来越注意(防范)股市不断上涨所带来的潜在风险。
Regardless of the potential stock sale, ICBC and American Express plan to expand their strategic partnership, which includes credit card products development, marketing, risk management, customer service and staff training. 不管是否进行潜在的股票出售,工行与美国运通计划拓展双方的战略伙伴关系,其中包括信用卡产品开发、市场营销、风险管理、客户服务及员工培训等方面。
A blind spot in a new Chinese accounting system has the potential to foster trouble for stock market investors once it is activated on January 1, outside experts warn. 海外专家警告,中国的新会计体系存在一个盲点,在明年1月1日启用后,这一盲点可能给股市投资者带来麻烦。
With extremely fluctuation of market and shortage of potential resources, Chinese concept stock in Hongkong market returning to A stock market becomes a selection to stabilize our market. 中国A股市场存在一定的泡沫,市场的大起大落以及可供上市的潜在资源相对匮乏,使得红筹股回归成为稳定市场的选择之一。
On paper at least, it seems logical to expect more capital to be recycled through domestic markets, triggering a potential boom in regional stock and bond activity. 至少从账面上看,目前似乎有理由预计,会有更多资本通过国内市场再循环,这可能引发地区股市和债券市场的一波繁荣。
Others hesitate to report their true profits, for fear of a potential tax collection on their stock incomes. 还有一些人不愿意透露他们的财产,担心会被征收股票收益税。
Moreover, a potential crash in the red-hot Chinese stock markets might scupper the expansion plans of new ventures. 此外,如果目前火热的中国股市暴跌,成立合资企业的扩张计划可能受阻。
Common stockholders and potential investors in common stock look first at a company's earnings record. 普通股股东和普通股的潜在投资者最关心的是公司的利润记录。
The beetle has the potential to destroy not only timber value, but maple syrup production potential, nursery stock, and fall coloration value of the major eastern hardwoods. 这种天牛不仅具有毁坏木材价值的潜力,而且能够毁坏东部主要硬木树种枫树木浆生产能力、苗圃砧木和秋季色彩的价值。
However, Qing Wang, strategist at Morgan Stanley, warned: As the A-share market continues to rise rapidly despite historically high valuations, fears of serious consequences from a potential burst of the stock market bubble have intensified greatly in recent weeks. 但是,摩根士丹利策略师王庆(QingWang)警告称:最近几周,尽管股价处于历史高位,但A股市场持续快速上涨,因此市场人士对于股市泡沫破裂引发严重后果的担心已明显加剧。
Generally speaking, the stock is quite competitive, to be called the potential of the common stock of the black horse is worth to invest in the best way to finance. 总体上讲,本·股票·颇具竞争力,可称之为·潜力股中的黑马·值得共同来投资理财最佳方式。
College library, as part of the whole social information, should fully tap the potential of stock resources, participate actively in agricultural information service, and establish and offer complete, systematic and high-quality information for agricultural customers. 作为整个社会信息一部分的高校图书馆,应充分挖掘馆藏资源潜能,发挥信息传播优势,积极参与农业信息服务,为农业用户建立和提供全面、系统且高质量的信息。
Chinese stock markets is an emerging market, and has its particularity and independency, so there are potential differences between the seasonal movement of Chinese stock markets and that of other countries. 这一讨论的意义在于,中国股票市场是一个新兴的市场,其特殊性和独立性,很可能使得中国股票市场的季节性行为与其他国家和地区不同。
The potential of the risk diversification of a stock portfolio is greatly enhanced. Furthermore, we examine the efficient frontier in the Shanghai, Shenzhen and the Closed-end fund market. 在股票市场和基金市场的有效边界实证分析中,我们比较了上海、深圳股票市场以及证券投资基金市场的有效边界。
This article starts with price formation mechanism, the core of trading systems, as it influences the price fluctuation and the quantities of potential investors in the stock market. 本文从证券交易制度的核心即价格形成机制入手,通过分析竞价制和做市商制各自的运作原理剖析了在这两种不同交易制度下证券价格的形成。
To maximize their expected utilities through seeking under-evaluated stocks, investors can find the potential of certain stock by comparing its market value and intrinsic value. 为寻找价值被低估的股票来实现其预期效用最大化,股票市场的投资者可以通过比较股票的市场价格与其内在价值来判断某只股票的潜质。
The results showed that the potential stock capacity in that region grazing grassland was 10 sheep units per hm 2; 结果表明,红池坝放牧草地的潜在载畜量为每公顷10个羊单位;
People feel potential opportunities from the stock of energy conservation and environmental protection and believe it is sunrise industry. And the growth, which is on behalf of the company growth ability, is the main reference for stock investors and capital operators. 市场看好节能环保板块的后市,认为其属于朝阳行业,处于成长期,而成长性代表公司的成长能力,是股票投资者和资本运作的主要参考依据。
However, in the process of making intensive use of land, exploiting the potential of the stock of urban land, many people pay attention on the historic areas, to tear down the old buildings and do large-scale reconstruction. 然而在提出集约利用土地、挖掘城市存量用地潜力的过程中,很多地方把目光瞄向了历史城区,进行推倒重建的大规模改造,提倡高容积率、高建筑密度。
The high degree of IPO under-pricing would trigger rent seeking, induce market speculation, and decrease market resource allocation efficiency, which is a potential threat to the development of the Chinese stock market. 过高的IPO抑价率会引发寻租活动,诱导市场投机行为,降低市场资源配置效率,对我国证券市场的发展极为不利。
The high cash dividend means the biger shareholder realistic benefit, therefore the stock price will enhance, simultaneously the company can only preserve few funds to use in reinvesting, which will affects its growth potential and make the stock price drop. 较高的现金股利意味着股东现实利益较大,股价将会因此而提高,同时公司只能留存较少资金用于再投资,将影响其成长性而导致股价下降。
Yes there is the cost of cognition, and the cognitive cost depends on the code-sharing, potential difference on stock of knowledge, and the degree values differences between enterprises. 认知是有成本的,而认知成本取决于企业之间是否共享代码、企业间存量知识势差的大小以及企业间在价值观上的差异程度。
However, the impact of various factors by the community, the quotations of the securities market and the rules are very complex, using traditional techniques to forecast potential stock, the result is not satisfactory. 然而,受社会多方面因素的影响,证券市场的行情及规律十分复杂,采用传统技术进行预测,效果不甚理想。
Finally, the paper analyzes potential risks of Stock Index futures in arbitrage and also puts forward valuable suggestions. 文章最后针对股指期货套利交易中可能存在的风险做了识别分析,并对风险控制提出了相关建议。